How Do We Work?

Partnership Opportunities

We provide partnership opportunities in the private transfer services sector for influencers, travel agencies, media and companies seeking unique and high standards in the transportation of their clients, employees or members.

firemná politika a spojené ruky kolegov

What partnership opportunities we offer?

Please select what kind of cooperation you are interested in.

cestovná kancelária
Travel agencies

Travel agencies

Add our private transfer service to your offer and ensure your clients travel at the highest level.

Travel agency

Are you a travel agency looking for a reliable private transfer partner to provide your clients with a first-class travel experience? Our company is here for you, we offer customizable and comfortable transfer solutions that will guarantee your clients a safe and comfortable ride.

cestovná kancelária agent a zákazníci


We offer premium private transfer services that are ideal for group tours, providing individual attention and customization to each traveler. With us, every trip will be not just a journey, but a true experience.

hrad v prírode


We offer transportation services that include airport to hotel transfers, with a focus on comfort and reliability. Working with us means ensuring that your clients have a seamless transfer between different parts of their trip, allowing you to focus on creating memorable holiday experiences.

dovolenka na tropickom ostrove

Collab with Influencers

Our company offers influencers attractive partnership opportunities, including access to exclusive offers and promotions.


Our firm provides influencers with enticing partnerships that include access to exceptional promotions and exclusive offers. When you partner with us, you get the opportunity to share your experiences with our services. This will enrich your content and also offer your followers valuable suggestions for their future travel adventures.

obrázok influencera s kamerou


Looking for an exciting story or exclusive content for your media? Our company offers the media unique opportunities to collaborate on private transfers. Discover with us the stories behind our services, delve into the world of private transfers and bring something special to your readers or viewers.

obrázok znázorňujúci množstvo multimédií

Affiliate Program

Zapojte sa do nášho Partnerského Programu a získajte odmeny za každé odporúčanie našich prepravných služieb. Proces je jednoduchý: šírte slovo, odporúčajte nás ďalej a zarábajte provízie za svoje odporúčania. Pridajte sa k nám a budujme spolu pevný vzťah založený na vzájomnej podpore a spoločnom raste.

potrasenie rukou na znak uzavretia affiliate dohody