How does our company work?

Company Policy

Naša firma poskytuje dopravné služby v dvoch najväčších slovenských metropolách - Bratislave a Košiciach. Každodenné skúsenosti prenášame našim klientom, pre ktorých je vždy zaručená prioritná starostlivosť.

tím držiaci ruky na kope znázorňujúci jednotu

Experience something special

We offer the services of experienced drivers who know the local environment and communicate in different languages. We are committed to providing not only comfortable, but also efficient and flexible travel solutions.

pracovník podpory košicetransfer
Who is behind our company?

Our team BratislavaTransfer

Our dynamic team of young, energetic and responsible professionals has a strong ambition to offer unrivalled transport services. We are here to provide you with innovative solutions for your travels to different destinations.

Preferred choice

We have transported thousands of customers across Europe.

Our drivers

Each of our drivers has undergone training aimed at smooth and comfortable transport.

transfer in Bratislava and its surroundings

You can rely on BratislavaTransfer

We make sure to be on time and guarantee that you won't be late with us. Expect first-class communication and modern, clear strategies to ensure you have a comfortable and worry-free journey.

Vehicle arrival

Express pickup directly at your location within half an hour of your request.

Always on-time

You will never wait for us; our vehicle always arrives ahead of schedule.

spoľahlivá preprava košicetransfer
výhodná cena transferov a tešiaci sa pár
transport price bratislava

Affordable transfers price

Our private transfer services are priced to suit a wide range of customers, meaning luxury transportation is now more affordable. We offer you optimum value for money, with a constant focus on providing exceptional service.

Price range

Our offer is versatile, with four categories of vehicles to meet the needs of every customer.

No compromises

Every category in our range comes with a guaranteed first-class service.

Safety comes first

Our priority is safety

We guarantee that each of our drivers is responsible and in good condition, undergoes psychological tests, complies with the rules of the road, is well rested and is regularly tested for the presence of alcohol. In addition, our vehicles are always excellently maintained to ensure a safe and reliable service.

Comfortable travel

The combination of smoothness and safety is one of our strengths.

Not forgetting the little ones

Child safety seats and booster seats are available free of charge for all children.

bezpečná preprava pasažierov