Our rules

Important Information

We strive to make the use of our services as transparent as possible. That is why we want to provide you with precise information on how to cancel your reservation, what steps to take in case of delays or the possibility of rescheduling.

Otvorená kniha s významom pravidlá prepravy

Overview of important information

Please select what kind of service you are interested in.

znak zrušenia
Transfer Cancellation

Full cancellation of your transfer

ikona otvoreného kalendáru

Change the date of your transfer

ikona znázorňujúca meškanie
I've Got Delay

Our policy regarding client delays

Cancellation policy

Do you want to cancel or reschedule your transfer? Read our terms and conditions.

Cancel your transport

Would you like to cancel your order?


More than 48 hours before departure you have the possibility to cancel your reservation without charge. In the case of payment via the website, a fee will be deducted from the amount for processing the transaction by the payment gateway.


24-48 hours prior to departure you have the option to cancel your order for a fee of 30% of the total amount. In the case of payment via the website, a fee will be deducted from the amount for processing the transaction by the payment gateway.


Cancellations cannot be made less than 24 hours prior to departure. However, we reserve the right to make an exception in exceptional circumstances.

Extraordinary situation

In the event of cancellation or change of the flight by the airline, as well as in situations where extraordinary measures regulated by the state authority of the Slovak Republic or the state of destination are declared, the cancellation fee for the booked carriage will be charged, unless otherwise agreed beforehand.

Rescheduling an order

Would you like to reschedule your transfer?

More than 48H before departure

More than 48 hours before departure you can reschedule the departure date free of charge, only in case of availability on the following date.

24-48H before departure

24-48 hours before departure you can reschedule the departure date for a fee of 20€, only in case of free capacity on the following date.

24H before departure

It is not possible to reschedule the departure date less than 24 hours before departure. However, in exceptional cases we reserve the right to make an exception.

Are you running late?

Rules and fees for delayed clients

What are our waiting fees?

We understand that your flight delay is out of your control, which is why we offer the first hour of your wait for free. Each additional half an hour is charged at 10€.