Many different transfers available

The price list of KošiceTransfer

Our pricing policy is transparent, without hidden fees. We are committed to providing reliable and high quality services at unbeatable prices.

fair transfer pricing kosice

We are not misleading you with the price, no extra fees.

sales for private customer transport
Regular customers

Promotions and discounts for our loyal customers.

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Emergency service

Did you need our service immediatelly? No worries we'll be with you within 30 minutes.

nonstop transfer kosice
Answer immediately

Contact us on the 24/7 on our hotline +421 950 370 928

The transfer pricelist

Overview of our transfers that we offer you every day. If you are looking for an affordable transfer, you are in the right place!

Looking for something different?

Did you not find the desired route in the price list? Try using the search engine or contact us by phone.

Use our search console

Our search console contains various combinations of transfers. You can find it on the home page.

Call / Write to us

An order can also be made by phone or email. You can contact us 24/7.

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Discounted prices for long-term cooperations

Our pricing policy is transparent, without hidden fees. We are committed to providing reliable and high quality services at unbeatable prices.

Business trips for companies

Favorable transport conditions for corporate customers.

travel agency
Travel agencies

We offer various solutions for your travel agency.

Wedding or other events

We will provide transport for guests to weddings and various other social events.

private transfer kosice transfer
Regular based customers

If you travel with us regularly, don't hesitate to contact us at any time.